8 dudes... 1 black eye

So uhhh, I got a black eye after hanging out with 8 dudes in West Virginia last week (look at the pic below lmao)

Yup, 8 dudes…

Usually I'm the type of guy to travel with 1 or 2 friends, so this was my first time traveling with a big group of people.

But after a week of rolling with these guys I learned a very valuable lesson that I figured I'd share with you.

If you want to go from making $2k - 3k/mo to $30k/mo, but you feel like you have friends that MIGHT BE holding you back… I gotta quick email for ya:

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with"

~ Everyone lol

I've heard this saying all throughout my life, but I never understood WHY.

I hated when people would tell me that I was "hanging around the wrong crowd"

Who are they to tell ME that my friends are bad people?

Mfs can kick rocks, am I right?


If anyone's ever told you that you're hanging around the wrong crowd…

They're correct.


There are 6 core psychological principles that influence human behavior:

  1. Social Proof

  2. Scarcity

  3. Likeness

  4. Authority

  5. Reciprocity

  6. Commitment & Consistency

These principles influence our behavior even if we aren't aware of them.

It's a natural animalistic instinct we get.

For example, if a random person told me that I'm hanging around the wrong people I'm going to tell them to kick rocks.

But if Elon Musk said the same thing I'd have a hard time ignoring him.

That's authority.

We tend to listen to people we believe know more than we do.

Doctors, lawyers, and accountants have the same effect.

But there's one principle that hits different when it comes to who you hang with…


Humans listen to people they know, like, and trust.

But here's what's insane…

The likeness principle is as strong as the authority principle.

And sometimes…

It has a stronger effect.

That's why it's hard for anyone to believe that their friends are bad for them.

Think about it… who would you rather listen to?

Friends you'd take a bullet for?

Or an "authority" you secretly despise?

It's tough.

But let's both be honest…

Who's more likely to be correct?

This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes…

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”

~ Mark Twain

So take a step back and ask yourself:

What would YOUR life look like if your friends didn't exist?

What do YOU actually want in life?

Why do YOU want that?

It's a lonely path, but you should always walk the extra mile… it's never crowded.

~ Brady

P.S. I'm dropping a sick YT video this week, so look out for that ;)